An update on the sculpt. I started posing him and reworking his anatomy to fit. I can feel him moving so that's a good thing. I have been studying one of my favorites, Richard Macdonald. GOOD structure and pushing life is the focus here.
For some stupid reason I have always felt if I have to go to reference for assistance than I'm not a good artist. Like I'm not intelligent or something. I don't know where I got that from but thanks to the guys at work I'm starting to break that train of thought. I'm invisioning Chris Farley right now slapping himself saying...your so stupid, stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I posted the crab painting on a art website and I recieved a really good crit. Basically said I need to be more clear. Being more clear means more inteligent. This is the first drawing/painting I have done since that crit.
On a side note the design is based off of a memory from my old job. There was a diesel mechanic there who could fix anyhting and he had cool equiptment to work with.
A couple good friends of mine at work designed a game that I really see a great amount of potential in. This was done for fun, on personnel time. My own interpretation of the main characters ship. On the bottom rt and lt are 2 massive thrusters, igniting like blowtorches. The cockpit is designed so the pilot can see out in all directions, making sure not to make contact with anything.
I am starting to use photos to help myself create a texture quality to my work. I'm digging it. So anyhow here is an enemy u will encounter on your adventure outside the main city.
Hello my name is Cory and I am a 3D modeler, texture and conceptual artist in the video game industry. For me this blog is about becoming a better artist, sharing my work, and posting progress.